Tel Aviv Marathon 2013

Tel Aviv Marathon 2013

Tel Aviv Marathon 2013

The Tel Aviv Marathon 2013 was divided into two races due to intense heat in Israel. The half marathon was held March 15, with the marathon scheduled for March 22.

With temperatures reaching up to 35C, the water stations were the sites of intense activity.

Gymnaestrada 2011

Gymnaestrada 2011

Gymnaestrada is the official world event of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG).  Once every four years in a country of one of the affiliated federations, gymnasts of all ages and backgrounds meet to share their passion for gymnastics. It is considered the largest event of its kind with over 20’000 participants. Gymnaestrada 2011 was held in Lausanne, Switzerland. Gynaestrada 2015 will be held in Helsinki, Finland.

More Gymnaestrada photos are available at!i=2075685653&k=k2dM8Rj