HDR Photography in Brazil

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

HDR reminds me of the saying. ” There are 3 topics one should avoid if one wants to avoid heated arguments; Politics, Religion and whether to buy a Canon or Nikon camera”.HDR has now become the fourth topic.

Rananna Art Exhibition

The problem is HDR can be used in various ways. When playing with HDR programs such as Photoshop or Photomatix, one can make some interesting effects. The more one plays, the more effects, the more effects the more one plays until the end result does not look like a real picture.

This is the point when “real photographers” point at that it is no longer a picture one is looking at but Photography Art or HDR ART.

Olinda, Brazil

When in Brazil I realized that I was not capturing the vivid colors I experiencing. The dynamic range of my camera was limited in what it was “seeing”, especially in stark brazilian sunshine. It was necessary to start shooting HDR in order to reproduce the scenes I was seeing. When processing the images my main objective was to emphasize the colors, not make photographic art. On first inspection one could comment that I exaggerated the colors. Maybe but maybe not. For a tourist visiting Brazil the scenes were amazing.

Salvador de Bahia

I would have liked to have had the new Canon 5D Mark III. It can shoot and process HDR in camera. This is a shameless plug since I do not have one but if Canon would give me one and a trip to Brazil I would use it to compare pictures.

Lighthouse Salvador de Bahia

Photography Tips: Loy Krathong – Yi Peng Festival 2012 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Loy-Krathong-Yi-Peng-Festival Monk Procession

Loy Krathong coincides with the Lanna (northern Thai) festival known as “Yi Peng” ยี่เป็ง). . A multitude of Lanna-style sky lanterns (khom loi) are launched. It was estimated that over 6’000 people were present during the launch in 2011.

In 2012, the local festival for Thais and tourists will be held in Mae Jo (Chiang Mai) November 24, 2012. Admission is free.  There will be another ceremony primarily for tourists to be held November 28, 2012. Admission is not free.

Photography Tip:

  • The Chiang Mai Photographic Group (CMPG) organizes a trip for its’ members.
  • Some people take a tripod. With over 6’000 people participating and activities  spread over a large area, there are certain problems associated with this idea. I used a monopod and was happy with my results
  • Before the actual launching of the lanterns there is a monk candle lit procession
  • The first wave of lanterns are launched at the same time. Continuous high speed mode is recommended. Afterwards lanterns are launched as they are prepared. This is a good time for group shots.
  • The buddhist monks launch their lanterns after the official ceremony. Worth staying to catch them launching theirs.
  • Darkness + Moving objects + Lanterns means decision time for ISO and shutter speed. If one has a fast wide angle lens –  take it.

    Loy-Krathong-Yi-Peng-Festival Photo

Have fun the scene is absolutely breathtaking.

More Thailand photos on my Gallery : http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/25089981_K7cMTP#!i=2056479131&k=dB7LPMP