Photography Tips : Switzerland as a Photography Tourist

Zermatt – Matterhorn October 2012

I decided to visit Switzerland as a tourist. For this trip I took a railpass for 15 days. It is not an optimal solution since one cannot make frequent stops to take pictures, The advantages were it was less tiring than driving and much cheaper than renting a car.   During this period I visited:

  • Grindelwald / Lauterbrunnen
  • Zermatt
  • Luzern / Engelberg
  • Lugano
  • Ascona / Lugano
  • Geneva
  • Fully
  • Thun
  • Lavaux
  • Evian (in France across from Lausanne)
  • Chatel St. Denis

I had pictures of Zurich, Bern and Lausanne so I decided to skip them. In October weather is a factor and I lost a couple of days due to rainy weather.

Like in some other countries, taking pictures of people can get complicated. I have been asked to delete pictures on occasions for privacy reasons.


For more pictures of Switzerland click here :!i=2156042714&k=CLTvZpX

Photography Tips: Fall Colors

Fall Colors

We are arriving at the end of fall and it is a period of beautiful colors. This is just a reminder that this period comes only 1 time a year and one should take advantage of the seasonal colors to go out and take pictures.

For more Photos visit my gallery!i=2173490289&k=pdznfM8

Gymnaestrada 2011

Gymnaestrada 2011

Gymnaestrada is the official world event of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG).  Once every four years in a country of one of the affiliated federations, gymnasts of all ages and backgrounds meet to share their passion for gymnastics. It is considered the largest event of its kind with over 20’000 participants. Gymnaestrada 2011 was held in Lausanne, Switzerland. Gynaestrada 2015 will be held in Helsinki, Finland.

More Gymnaestrada photos are available at!i=2075685653&k=k2dM8Rj

Photography Tips: High ISO

When teaching photography to beginners one of the hardest concepts to grasp is the relationship TV/AV/ISO and integrating the 3 into picture taking. What I try to convey is that photography is stopping the action and capturing the moment. If you do not capture that moment in focus, then you have a problem. There are other parameters such as exposure but that will be discussed at a later date. Enter ISO and pushing ISO sometimes to the max.

Gymnaestrada 2012, ISO 6400

Say ISO and the automatic knee jerk reaction is 200 or never above 800, 100,  or 1600. When I ask why,  the answer is “Because of noise”. Not anymore. Firstly cameras are now achieving higher usable ISO setting,  secondly, software is getting better reducing noise and lastly, noise is almost  imperceptible at the sizes most people are using to show their pictures.  So when faced with no chance of taking a sharp picture by keeping the ISO low or upping the ISO and knowing there may be some work afterwards, I never hesitate.

Cabaret Chiang Mai. ISO 6400

Get out and shoot. Practice and see how your camera handles ISO, so when the time comes you are comfortable with the situation.

Thaipusam Singapore 2012. ISO 5000

For more pictures, visit my gallery at:

Photography Tips: Thailand Photo Competition

If one has visited a photo exhibition in Thailand, it is evident that a large majortiy of the pictures will be either of Buddhism, Buddhist monks or Buddha.

Lanna Archetecture

I participated in a photo competition sponsored by Tourist Authority of Thailand (TAT) Chiang Mai and IPOT. Each day for 5 days a new subject was given. They were:

  • February 3 : Thai Architecture
  • February 4 : Flowers of Lanna
  • February 5 : Landscape
  • February 6 : Lifestyle
  • February 7: Street Photography

    Fruits as Flowers. Chiang Mai Flower Festival 2012

Notice that none of the subjects are related to Buddhism, Buddhist monks or Buddha, or that is what I thought:

However the winner is>>>>>>>>>Monks praying at a Wat Suthep.

Yep folks, 4 of the 9 chosen winners were of Buddhism, Buddhist monks or Buddha.

Check out the winners.

Moral of the story. Know thy competition. In Thailand, no matter what the theme of the competition, submit a picture of buddhists monks or a temple.

Wan Pantao Asaha Bucha 2012

For more pictures, visit my gallery at:

Photography Tip: Whats going on where you live? Lausanne International Horse Show

In every city there are events happening all the time. Try and find a calendar for your city or area and check it out regularly. Normally I check around the 28th of the month for the upcoming month. I then note the activities in Google calendar with a reminder. For me it is a great incentive to get out and shoot something I normally wouldn’t. 

This week was a perfect example. Lausanne is hosting the “Lausanne International Horse Show” LIHS. Although there is an entry fee Saturday and Sunday, Friday was free.

How could I refuse such an offer? I had never thought of taking pictures of horses but why not? In addition it was the perfect occasion to test a 70-300 DO IS.  This lens has mixed reviews and I wanted to see for myself how it performs. The results, judge for yourself.

HDR Photography in Brazil

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

HDR reminds me of the saying. ” There are 3 topics one should avoid if one wants to avoid heated arguments; Politics, Religion and whether to buy a Canon or Nikon camera”.HDR has now become the fourth topic.

Rananna Art Exhibition

The problem is HDR can be used in various ways. When playing with HDR programs such as Photoshop or Photomatix, one can make some interesting effects. The more one plays, the more effects, the more effects the more one plays until the end result does not look like a real picture.

This is the point when “real photographers” point at that it is no longer a picture one is looking at but Photography Art or HDR ART.

Olinda, Brazil

When in Brazil I realized that I was not capturing the vivid colors I experiencing. The dynamic range of my camera was limited in what it was “seeing”, especially in stark brazilian sunshine. It was necessary to start shooting HDR in order to reproduce the scenes I was seeing. When processing the images my main objective was to emphasize the colors, not make photographic art. On first inspection one could comment that I exaggerated the colors. Maybe but maybe not. For a tourist visiting Brazil the scenes were amazing.

Salvador de Bahia

I would have liked to have had the new Canon 5D Mark III. It can shoot and process HDR in camera. This is a shameless plug since I do not have one but if Canon would give me one and a trip to Brazil I would use it to compare pictures.

Lighthouse Salvador de Bahia

Photography Tips: Loy Krathong – Yi Peng Festival 2012 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Loy-Krathong-Yi-Peng-Festival Monk Procession

Loy Krathong coincides with the Lanna (northern Thai) festival known as “Yi Peng” ยี่เป็ง). . A multitude of Lanna-style sky lanterns (khom loi) are launched. It was estimated that over 6’000 people were present during the launch in 2011.

In 2012, the local festival for Thais and tourists will be held in Mae Jo (Chiang Mai) November 24, 2012. Admission is free.  There will be another ceremony primarily for tourists to be held November 28, 2012. Admission is not free.

Photography Tip:

  • The Chiang Mai Photographic Group (CMPG) organizes a trip for its’ members.
  • Some people take a tripod. With over 6’000 people participating and activities  spread over a large area, there are certain problems associated with this idea. I used a monopod and was happy with my results
  • Before the actual launching of the lanterns there is a monk candle lit procession
  • The first wave of lanterns are launched at the same time. Continuous high speed mode is recommended. Afterwards lanterns are launched as they are prepared. This is a good time for group shots.
  • The buddhist monks launch their lanterns after the official ceremony. Worth staying to catch them launching theirs.
  • Darkness + Moving objects + Lanterns means decision time for ISO and shutter speed. If one has a fast wide angle lens –  take it.

    Loy-Krathong-Yi-Peng-Festival Photo

Have fun the scene is absolutely breathtaking.

More Thailand photos on my Gallery :!i=2056479131&k=dB7LPMP