Photography Tips for India

Before my first trip to India, I looked on the web to find out what I should take and what it was like to be a travel photographer in India. I did not find much so I will try and share some of my experiences and how I am preparing for my next trip there in December.

General Photography Tips:

Pushkar Ladies

The Indian people are very nice and do not mind if you take their pictures. In fact I have had people come up to me and ask if I could take their picture. I was initially surprised but then got used to these requests.

On the other hand beware of “professionals models”, especially in Pushkar and Varanassi. It is amusing to see their pictures on many websites as typical Indians, when in fact they are not typical.

Early morning in Pune

It was my habit to get up before sunrise and try and capture early morning lifestyle. The light is softer ad there are less people on the streets.

Colors, colors and more colors. Somes of the cities in Brazil were colorful, but in India it was the clothing people were wearing, especially in Rajasthan.

Beware of your equipment. I was not worried about walking around with a camera (unlike Brazil, where it was downright dangerous) but do not leave it unattended on a table or on the floor, even for one second. Have a basic sense of security.

  • Do not leave equipment, passport or valuables in a hotel room, even if the hotel gives you a lock for the door. Bring your own lock or if you must leave things in the room use a Pac safe type of net and lock it onto something
  • Always have water with you.
  • I am a fan of GPS. I did not have one during my first trip but will take one this time. I know it is a gadget but many times I got off the train at some of the stops and just shot some pictures. It would have been nice to know where I actually was.
  • I have 2 backpacks with me / on me. A small North Face Tactic and 30L Arcteryxx Bora. The small North Face is for my camera, notebook, and lenses. When sleeping in the 2AC train compartment it is my pillow. I may use it when walking around an then leave the 30L in the hotel room locked up. I never leave anything with reception.
  • Tripod: I will probably take a Gorillapod and not a normal tripod. Last trip I had a “normal” tripod and I used it in Varanasi, Agra, Jodphur and Jaisalmer. This trip I am more interested in portraits, group shots and if I can find them, weddings.
  • First Aid Kit: One can easily buy antibiotics for Delhi Belly in India. They cost a couple of USD. I have a strip with me in any case. I also have Nurofen, Smecta, Immodium, lavender essential oil, betadin, band aids and ear plugs with me at all times.
  • Computers, Wifi and Backup: In 2009, Wireless Internet access was not too available. This has probably changed. Internet cafes are plentiful and early in the morning access was fast. Later in the day, less so and more crowded. I am taking my own notebook and an external USB disk drive. I bought an extra drive in India in 2009 and it was very reasonably priced and still works (Transcend). I lost my CF Card reader and was forced to buy a new one in India. It was cheap and worthless. I am bringing one with me and hoping not to lose it.
  • Pune Bike Man

    Lenses:  No advice here. It depends on your photo style. I will probably take 3 lenses with me. I have grown fond of my Canon 85mm 1.8 and may use this as my “walk-around” lens. It may require more footwork but one of my objectives is more “portrait” shots.

Photography Tips: Loy Krathong – Yi Peng Festival 2012 Chiang Mai, Thailand

Loy-Krathong-Yi-Peng-Festival Monk Procession

Loy Krathong coincides with the Lanna (northern Thai) festival known as “Yi Peng” ยี่เป็ง). . A multitude of Lanna-style sky lanterns (khom loi) are launched. It was estimated that over 6’000 people were present during the launch in 2011.

In 2012, the local festival for Thais and tourists will be held in Mae Jo (Chiang Mai) November 24, 2012. Admission is free.  There will be another ceremony primarily for tourists to be held November 28, 2012. Admission is not free.

Photography Tip:

  • The Chiang Mai Photographic Group (CMPG) organizes a trip for its’ members.
  • Some people take a tripod. With over 6’000 people participating and activities  spread over a large area, there are certain problems associated with this idea. I used a monopod and was happy with my results
  • Before the actual launching of the lanterns there is a monk candle lit procession
  • The first wave of lanterns are launched at the same time. Continuous high speed mode is recommended. Afterwards lanterns are launched as they are prepared. This is a good time for group shots.
  • The buddhist monks launch their lanterns after the official ceremony. Worth staying to catch them launching theirs.
  • Darkness + Moving objects + Lanterns means decision time for ISO and shutter speed. If one has a fast wide angle lens –  take it.

    Loy-Krathong-Yi-Peng-Festival Photo

Have fun the scene is absolutely breathtaking.

More Thailand photos on my Gallery :!i=2056479131&k=dB7LPMP