Photography Tips: High ISO

When teaching photography to beginners one of the hardest concepts to grasp is the relationship TV/AV/ISO and integrating the 3 into picture taking. What I try to convey is that photography is stopping the action and capturing the moment. If you do not capture that moment in focus, then you have a problem. There are other parameters such as exposure but that will be discussed at a later date. Enter ISO and pushing ISO sometimes to the max.

Gymnaestrada 2012, ISO 6400

Say ISO and the automatic knee jerk reaction is 200 or never above 800, 100,  or 1600. When I ask why,  the answer is “Because of noise”. Not anymore. Firstly cameras are now achieving higher usable ISO setting,  secondly, software is getting better reducing noise and lastly, noise is almost  imperceptible at the sizes most people are using to show their pictures.  So when faced with no chance of taking a sharp picture by keeping the ISO low or upping the ISO and knowing there may be some work afterwards, I never hesitate.

Cabaret Chiang Mai. ISO 6400

Get out and shoot. Practice and see how your camera handles ISO, so when the time comes you are comfortable with the situation.

Thaipusam Singapore 2012. ISO 5000

For more pictures, visit my gallery at:

Photography Tips For Chiang Mai, Thailand

As a temporary resident of Chiang Mai, I am amazed to see the number of world renown photographers holding workshops here. I realized I must take advantage of this situation and share some of the sites I like to visit to photograph:


  • Wat Chedi Luang
  • Wat Phantao (candle light meditation the night of major buddhist holidays)
  • Wat Srisusphan (the silver Temple)
  • Wat Suan Dok
  • Wat Suthep (at night)
  • Buddhist monks at 06:00 for the morning alms round
  • Terra Cotta Garden
  • Elephant Camps
  • Muay Thai practice
  • Katoey Cabaret
  • Chiang Mai Walking Street : Every Sunday from 18:00 – 22:30 aprox. If you want to avoid the crowds go at 17:00 when the stands are setting up
  • San Patong Buffalo market  – Saturday mornings from 06:00 – 11:00
  • Loy Kratong : November 24-29, 2012
  • Songkran : April 13-15, 2013
  • Chiang Mai Flower Festival : February 1 -3, 2013
  • Central Airport Plaza: Saturdays and Sundays it is an absolute madhouse with activities for young adults

Did I forget something? 

For my Chiang Mai Favorites Gallery click here Philip Meier Photography