Photography Tips: Get Out and Shoot – No Ego

Reflections. 1/125, F 5.6, ISO 1600

I had to go to the USA for a few days. I decided to take my Olympus E-PM1. Each morning at 6AM I went to a nature reserve to take sunrise/early morning pictures.

Deer staring down an Egret. 1/100s, f 5.6, ISO 1600

I admit the Olympus E-PM1 with a 14-42mm lens is not an ideal camera for nature photography, not to mention birding. It is still a better camera than what was available to photographers 60 years ago.

Since it was early or dark in the woods, I needed to up the ISO to 1600. I felt this was the highest possible usable setting for the Olympus. I held the camera against a tree for all the pictures except the geese flying. There I had set it down in a blind.

Geese 6:47 take-off. 1/80, F 5.6, ISO 800

Why no ego? When one is going out to shoot, there will probably be other photographers around with better cameras and longer lenses. One morning I saw photographers with 600mm, 400mm and other ultra zoom lenses. That will always be the case. What is important is that I was out with my camera, enjoying a beautiful morning and with the hope of catching “THE SHOT”.

 Moral of blog. There is never a better time, place, camera or light than the present. If the pictures do not turn out, learn from the experience. Then go out again. Get better, not an EGO.

Hey don’t shoot. 1/6s, F 5.6, ISO 1600

 Get out and shoot.

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